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Category internet

Gmail: New Inbox

Got home and saw this post “A new inbox that puts you back in” at the Gmail Blog. “You can easily customize the new inbox – select the tabs you want from all five to none, drag-and-drop to move messages… Continue Reading →

Gnometer, NowPlaying.dll and Windows Media Player

Gnometer, a skin for Rainmeter, has been out for around 3 years now and it has a few outdated settings. So far, I have noticed that the Windows Media Player settings for the Media Player gnometer does not work at… Continue Reading →

We are not guests anymore.

Today I read that Google is testing its latest feature for searches: Gmail results. Meaning that if you type something like “eBay great deals” you will get your eBay emails in the search results. Personally, I don’t see much use… Continue Reading →

I miss…

The late 90’s, early 2000’s. The Microsoft IRCX bot nets. The internet boom and the dial up connections. The appearance of MP3 and Napster. The ICMP_ECHO floods and all the other Windows Nukes. ICMPSwitch, Unabomber and Divine Intervention. The IRC… Continue Reading →

One year ago…

Salsa STAR project was taken down from its home servers in Lisbon, Portugal to be brought right into Salsa Jeans headquarters. Over 4 months of work, meetings and coding I had to guarantee the migration happened smoothly and with the… Continue Reading →

A new age…

Been a while since my last post. A lot has happened and most of it is not really worth writing about. Now what is actually worth it, is the fact that, about 2 days ago I lost my head and… Continue Reading →

Facebook is unavailable

According to Facebook twitter, facebook is currently experiencing some technical difficulties. (http://twitter.com/facebook) I’m sorry farmville addicts, all your crops died. Though luck! Update: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/sep/24/facebook-server-error-solution – Funny, uh?

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