About 2 months ago, I wrote about a photography and video class. It was my intention to write about them weekly and turn those posts into some sort of a summary that would form a mini dossier for this class…. Continue Reading →
So today I had my very first class. We went through the very basics of taking a picture. The process of taking a picture is always split in three moments. Visualize, understand and learning the environment, that will be the… Continue Reading →
Because the “a picture is worth a thousand words” cliché sometimes just doesn’t cut it and the dictionary itself is rather incomplete to come up with a faithful description of whatever travels through the axons of the human brain, I… Continue Reading →
Participação na Maratona Fotográfica de Vila Nova de Famalicão 2012. Site Oficial: http://12horas12temas12fotografias.blogspot.pt/
Today I read that Google is testing its latest feature for searches: Gmail results. Meaning that if you type something like “eBay great deals” you will get your eBay emails in the search results. Personally, I don’t see much use… Continue Reading →
Salsa STAR project was taken down from its home servers in Lisbon, Portugal to be brought right into Salsa Jeans headquarters. Over 4 months of work, meetings and coding I had to guarantee the migration happened smoothly and with the… Continue Reading →
In a time where innovation seems unreachable due to the velocity technology evolves leaving no room for invention and everything seems (to our humble and simple eyes) to be already invented and discovered, Steve Jobs managed to bring innovation several… Continue Reading →
In the midst of what is going to be a pain in the ass week, I will be trying to gather some info about all of my projects (professional-wise) and create a page here just for that. Been a while… Continue Reading →
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